How to Felt Your Shed Roof

BozenaS / Pixabay

One of the most important tasks to keep your shed in top shape all year round is to felt the roof. While this may appear difficult, adding felt to your shed roof is simple.

Our guide provides a step by step approach including the supplies you need, how to remove the old roofing felt and adding new roofing felt to your shed. If your shed roofing felt is exposed to harsh weather, it is advisable to replace it every few years. But this won’t be necessary if the shed is sheltered.


You will need the following

Craft knife

Tape measure


Roofing Felt

Felt and wood nails


Felt Adhesive

Removing the Old Roofing Felt

The first step is to dismantle and set aside any timber fascia boards. With a claw hammer, remove any nails holding the old roofing felt in place. Ensure there are no nails or debris on the surface and remove or flatten any hazardous material.

Measure the Required Felt

Measure the shed roof before fixing the roofing felt. Stretch it over the shed roof by pulling tightly. Allow about 5cm extra felt on the edges and 7.5 cm extra at the gable ends so that it overlaps and covers the roof entirely.

You will require about three pieces of felt for your shed roof. Arrange one piece on each side of the roof and then place the third on the other two to overlap the side of the panels. Allow a 30cm overlap.

Apply New Roofing Felt to the Shed

Once you are through with cutting and nailing with an interval of 10cm, pull the felt tight to make it lie flat along the shed roof length. Then fasten the felt along the roof’s bottom edge but with more spacing of about 30cm between the nails.

Once you are through fixing the side panels, attach the top section to the ridge with felt adhesive using a paint brush. Then nail the lower edge at 5cm intervals.

Tidy the Overhang Corners

At every corner of the roof, fold down the felt and secure it tightly with nails. Cut a slit through the felt overhang at the top of the shed roof with a craft knife. Then fold the felt down in this area and nail down at 10cm intervals along the roof.

Once the overhangs have been secured, reattach the fascia boards to conceal the folded roofing felt at the gable ends and keep your shed looking trim. Secure it tightly with wood nails and trim off any unwanted material.

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